Adventists Award 125 Members During Anniversary Celebration

Written by: Gleaner | Tuesday, October 6, 2015    


One hundred and twenty-five Adventist individuals, groups, churches and organisations were recognised for exemplary service on Saturday during the 125th anniversary celebration of Adventism in Jamaica, held at the Seventh-day Adventist Conference Centre in Montego Bay, St James.

The awardees were selected for their efforts in various ministries of the church, namely publishing, education, health, community service, pastoral ministry, youth and evangelism and drawn from the more than 740 congregations islandwide along with the church's two institutions - Andrews Memorial Hospital (AMH) and Northern Caribbean University (NCU).

Pastor Everett Brown, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Jamaica, said: "These awardees exemplify the zeal, the labour, the dedication to duty that make the Church, the remnant Church of God, this Seventh-day Adventist Church, the bastion that it is today."

In addition to the 125 awardees, eight others received special awards and four students received scholarships to NCU.

Oldest Member

The oldest living baptised member of the church in Jamaica, 103-.

year-old Adassa Henry Johnson, received a special award for her faithful and dedicated service.

She got baptised at 10 years of age and served in youth ministry and community outreach while she was active during her 93-year church membership.

She was unable to attend but spoke at the ceremony through a video interview.

"I feel happy, I can say, 'Glory!' From I was a small girl coming up, I just love my church. The Lord provided every way for us. I was glad that many more could live and serve the Lord in Adventism," she said.

Since Adventism was introduced to the island in 1890, members of the church and its institutions have contributed widely to national development through the delivery of health services in institutional and community efforts, delivery of education through a university, high, preparatory and basic schools, and community

services through the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA). Church members have also been notable public servants.

Speaking at the ceremony, Pastor Leon B. Wellington, vice-president of the Inter-American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (IAD), thanked all who have helped the Church in its work in Jamaica.

"To all members, non-members and businesses who have supported us during our annual ingathering campaign, the proceeds of which are used for community support - you are a part of the team and the successes we celebrate today of having achieved 125 years. We have been blessed with your gifts and talents in so many remarkable ways. It has not been 125 years of idleness or just serving ourselves. We have been getting our hands dirty as we seek to uplift humanity physically, socially, emotionally and, yes, spiritually," Wellington said.

The theme of the celebrations is 'Looking Back ... Reaching Forward with Christ'.

The church will host two more events to mark its 125th year in Jamaica. On October 25, members will undertake a facelift to the 172 police stations islandwide. Then, on November 22, a grand anniversary expo, health fair and heritage quiz will be staged on the grounds of NCU in Mandeville, Manchester.

Adventists To Award Oldest Baptised Member During 125th Celebrations

Written by: Gleaner | Friday, October 2, 2015    


One-hundred-and-three-year-old Adassa Henry Johnson is among the list of special awardees to be recognised by the Jamaica Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists during an awards ceremony, which forms part of its celebration of 125 years of Adventism in Jamaica this year.

Johnson, who resides in Oracabessa, St Mary, is the oldest baptised member of  the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Jamaica having done so 93 years ago.

She will be among a group of 125 awardees and eight special awardees who will be recognised in the categories of publishing, evangelism, education, community outreach and health (PEECH) as part of an overall 131 awards that will be handed out.  

The ceremony takes place tomorrow at the Seventh-day Adventist Conference Centre in Mount Salem, St James.

Baptised at age 10 in the Labrynth Church, Johnson was an active member who served in the departments of youth ministries as well as community service and was a member of the church choir. She was recognised in May 2013 by the Inter-American Division of Seventh-day Adventists (IAD) for being the oldest baptised Adventist in the region which covers Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, French Antilles, Colombia and Venezuela.

“We are happy to have the opportunity to recognise Sister Johnson for her invaluable support to our Church and faithfulness to God over the past years,” said Pastor Everett Brown, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Jamaica. This award is nothing compared to the reward that Her Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ has for her when He returns.”

The Church’s celebrations begin tomorrow with a thanksgiving service in the morning followed by an award and recognition ceremony in the afternoon.

On October 25, members of all of the more than 738 Adventist congregations in Jamaica will undertake physical facelift to the 172 police stations islandwide along with counselling with JCF members where necessary.

Then, on November 22, the celebrations culminate on the NCU grounds in Mandeville grand anniversary expo, health fair, and heritage quiz final. The day’s activities will climax with a musical showcase featuring some of the best soloists, groups and choirs in the Seventh-day Adventist movement.

Adventists’ 125th Anniversary Celebrations set for October 3, 2015

Written by: Phillip E.L. Castell | Wednesday, September 30, 2015    


Adventists from across the length and breadth of Jamaica will be gathered in their thousands to mount a massive thanksgiving and celebration service at the Seventh-day Adventist Conference Center in Mount Salem, St. James, on Saturday, October 3, 2015.  
From start to finish, the celebration promises to be rich in history and praise to God who has lead the church from its early beginnings in 1890 to where it is today. 

The celebrations this Saturday will be held under the theme "Looking Back... Reaching Forward with Christ” and will feature drama as well as musical presentations with the preaching of the Word during the course of the day.

Church leaders and members from the five Conference across the island are expected to be in attendance while leaders from the wider church organizations are expected to be in attendance as well. 

Speaker for the morning service will be Dr. Balvin Braham, Assistant to the President at Inter-American

Division (IAD) while in the afternoon, there will be a special Awards and recognition ceremony with guest speaker Pastor Leon B. Wellington, VP, IAD.

The 125th Anniversary Celebration Service may be viewed live on NCU Mediagroup’s  website at and the Jamaica Union Conference website at this Sabbath from 9:00 am – 1:00pm and in the afternoon from 3:00pm – 6:30 pm.


Harbour View District stages anti-violence march

Written by: Notoya Maitland, photos by Alexander Newman | Tuesday, September 29, 2015    


On Sabbath, September 25, 2015, approximately 120 members from the Harbour View District of Churches, accompanied by the East Jamaica Conference Drum Corp, embarked on a road march to demonstrate disapproval for violence against children.

The march was carried out through the Harbour Heights community, starting at the Seventh-day Adventist Company and culminating at the historic Martello Tower which overlooks the city of Kingston.

The Martello Tower is the only remains of Fort Nugent that was built in 1806. Fort Nugent was first built by the Spanish slave agent in Jamaica, James Castillo, to guard his home against attacks. The fort was later strengthened by the English Governor George Nugent, and named after him, to guard the eastern entrance of the city of Kingston.

This road march would be a memorable experience for both members of the community who rushed to their gates to take pictures as they heard the unfamiliar sounds of drums echoing throughout their community and the fascination of seeing the uniformed Pathfinder group. The team then used the opportunity to issue stickers that represented our purpose " Bawl Out Against Child Abuse".


Upon reaching the Martello Tower, several children and adults braved the narrow and dark pathway to venture to the top of the tower to eperience the panoramic view of the city.

The road march was a fitness test for many participants who may not have been familiar with hilly terrain of the Harbour Heights community. This was overshadowed by the awesome opportunity to behold a beautiful sunset from the heights of the Martello Tower where we sat to acknowledge the setting of the sun and venture into our vesper service led by District Pastor, Dr. Lorenzo Brown, Elder Justin Duncan and Pathfinder Director Mark Maitland.Finally, to stamp our presence in this community the army of youth and members sang choruses as they made the journey back to the Harbour Heights Company and reflected on the afternoon's experience.


Story and photos by Phillip E. L. Castell

CCPLIEJC-PIC11With the objective of increasing the spirituality of every church member and at the same time show greater care for its membership while improving the negative view some members have of stewardship, the Comprehensive Care Plan (CCP) was launched in almost every church in East Jamaica Conference (EJC) on November 15, 2014.

At the heart of the plan is the desire to form in the character of the church member as a habit, the four main indicators or characteristics of Christian discipleship i.e. (1) Spending time in prayer with God, (2) Daily study of the Bible (3) Faithfulness in the return of tithes and offerings and (4) Participating in the fulfilment of the evangelistic mission of the church.


Speaking at the launch of the CCP at the North Street SDA Church, Dr. Eric Nathan, president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in EJC said, "We at headquarters understand that it is out of caring that we will get the most out of people. "


The top administrator of the Conference asked the rhetorical question, "How do you care for people ?" during his sermon presentation. " You need to listen to them and understand the context in which they live," was his response. " How do you understand a man's context ?" he continued. " You need to visit with that person, where you can sit with them and listen to their problems and pray with them in their homes."


One of the critical actions to ensure the successful implementation of the Comprehensive Care Plan is the formation of two new committees which must be appointed by the local church board.


The first committee is the Stewardship and Finance committee whose primary objective is to produce spiritual revival, comprehensive growth and to make spirituality the basis of faithfulness.


Addressing the negative perception some members have towards stewardship, the EJC Conference president said, " There is a crisis when there are people who believe that God cannot finance his work why he asks people to return tithe."

CCPLIEJC-PIC12Refuting this position, Dr. Nathan said, "That's not true. God could finish this work without our help, but in an effort to help us develop the spirit of generosity, God has asked us to help in the work of financing his mission," Nathan said.

The second committee to be formed by the church board is the Visitation Committee whose mandate is the exercise of care and love for church members by planning and organizing for the visitation of every member of the church at least once per year.


"Every pastor who is successful will tell you that one characteristic of a successful pastor is that he needs to visit the flock," Nathan said. "He needs to know those who are sick, he needs to know those who are discouraged and this can only happen with visitation."


The Comprehensive Care Plan was first brought to Jamaica by Pastor Javier Meija, Stewardship Director of Inter-American Division (IAD) and was actually introduced in East Jamaica Conference on May 3, 2014 at a Stewardship Convention held at the Hagley Park SDA Church. At that time, Pastor Eric Nathan was the Stewardship Director at the Jamaica Union Conference (JAMU) and became convinced of the benefits the church and any member who adopted the plan would gain from that time.

In its original state, the plan was called the Comprehensive Growth Plan (CGP) but has since been modified by the EJC Administration to focus more on membership care.

"The Comprehensive care plan is part of the strategy that is adopted by the family at East Jamaica Conference in a similar way that we have elected to build the Conference on the five strategic pillars of Spirituality, Ownership, Family, Fellowship and Faithfulness," Pastor Eric Nathan said.

" We have come to realize that there will be no generosity without spirituality and so we believe that the more time our members spend in prayer and reading the Word of God, the more they will love the Lord and want to be faithful to him and support His work with their tithes and offerings. They will also want to participate more in the work of the church," the church leader said.


Story by Fabia Phillips-Lawrence

FLVJ-PICPastors Mike and Gayle Tucker were the centre of attention at two prominent corporate area Seventh-day Adventist churches on October 24 and 25, 2014 as they hosted the "Mad about Marriage Seminars."

The two were brought in the island through the Inter-American Division Publishing Association and Book and Nutrition Centre in association with the Jamaica Union Conference of SDA to present the seminar to singles, dating and married couples. The seminars were held at the Kencot SDA church on Friday evening and the Hagley Park SDA on Sabbath.

Topics discussed included: Connections, Danger signs, Rewind, Expectations and Forgiveness. The information and discussions surrounding the topics were well received by eager participants at the seminars.

Mike Tucker is the Speaker/Director for Faith for Today Television, the first television ministry established in the United States, and has served for 17 years as Senior Pastor in Texas. He is also a Counselor. His wife, Gayle, is an Associate Speaker for the Faith for Today Television and has also been a Pastor in Texas for 16 years. She was the first woman to become a credentialed Commissioned Minster in the Southwestern Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.

The Tuckers are also authors of the bestsellers "Mad about Marriage" and "35 Mottoes for Happy Marriages" which are available in the Book and Nutrition Centre stores in Jamaica.


Story & Photos by Phillip E. L. Castell
Published | August 14, 2014

STBNOF-P1Pastor Eric Nathan, new president of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in East Jamaica Conference, shared his five point strategic objectives of the Conference at a Leaders' Prayer meeting held at the Kencot SDA Church on August 13, 2014. At the top of his list was the desire to see the spirituality of the Conference increased and more emphasis placed on prayer.

The president used the opportunity to invite the wider church congregation to another night of prayer on August 31, 2014 at the Kencot SDA Church where more time could be spent in prayer in an all night prayer service.

"I have five objectives, and these objectives will be the five pillars on which everything will be built", said Pastor Nathan, as he spoke to church leaders and members who responded positively to the invitation to attend a special prayer meeting at the Kencot church.

The five objectives as outlined by the president were :- (1) To increase Spirituality in the Conference(2) To increase the Ownership of the Conference by every member (3) To highlight the importance of Family (4)To improve Fellowship among church members and (5) To increase the Faithfulness
( stewardship) of every member .


"The Lord has placed on my heart the fact that the first responsibility that I have with my team is to ask for this delegation for assistance in raising the spiritual bar of the Conference. We want spirituality to become the number one focus", Dr. Nathan said.


"This is not about being a star or being an orator or about brainwashing people. This is not about politics because you cannot solve a spiritual problem with political strategies, so away with politics. We will be praying until it looks like we are fanatical about prayer", Nathan said. "We will pray as if nothing else matters".

In explaining the second pillar in his five point objective, President Nathan expressed a desire for "every member to feel that they own the Conference".

"I want every member to own the church and feel a part of it. Every member should have a part to play in the church, whether being a member of the choir, an usher, a Sabbath school teacher, a deacon, a member of the prayer band or simply just to be on the team that invite people to church. Everybody must be doing something in the church", the president said.

Prior to his appointment as Conference president, Dr. Eric Nathan served as Family Ministries Director at Jamaica Union Conference (JAMU) after serving as Family Ministries Director in EJC during a previous administration. It was therefore not surprising to see importance being placed in the area of family life. Nathan indicated that emphasis would be placed on ministering to singles, widows and divorcees as part of the family ministries emphasis.

Speaking on the importance of Fellowship, the president remarked that "the family that plays together prays together."

The final strategic objective in the five point plan as outlined by Pastor Nathan is FAITHFULNESS. This he equated with stewardship.

STBNOF-P2We must first be faithful to God", Nathan said. "Husbands should be faithful to their wives and children. We should be faithful to each other also. God has made a promise to the church, if we are faithful to Him, he will bless us", Nathan said.

Much time was spent in prayer at the meeting were leaders called upon God to direct the new Administration as they seek to accomplish the will of God. Leaders were also given the opportunity to make suggestions and provide feedback to the new administration on what could be done to make East Jamaica Conference the preferred Conference in Jamaica.

Present at the Leaders' Prayer meeting also was the newly elected Executive Secretary, Pastor Meric Walker and Treasurer, Elder Donmain Gyles. New Ministerial Secretary, Pastor Linton Williams, Vice President of the EJC Elders' Association, Elder Terrence Clarke, along with other Conference Directors and Pastors were also in attendance.

The president expressed thanks to those who attended the prayer meeting and invited everyone to be back at the all night prayer service scheduled to take place on August 31, 2014.







New Leaders Installed at EJC

Story by: Fabia Phillips-Lawrence & Phillip Castell, Photo by: Leon Ffrench

Published: 23/07/2014

EJC-New-Administrtors-Story-Pic-InsideThe church sat in quiet anticipation on the Sabbath afternoon of July 19, 2014 prior to the start of the Installation Ceremony for the newly elected leaders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in East Jamaica Conference.

The ceremony was held at the historic North Street SDA Church which celebrates its 120th anniversary this year and is the first SDA church established in Jamaica.

Pastor Milton Gregory, Secretary & Health Ministries Director –Jamaica Union Conference (JAMU), in his opening remarks, acknowledged the work of the leaders of the church who were not re-elected.

President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Jamaica, Pastor Everett Brown, in delivering the main message, did the same while wishing the workers who were not re-appointed, God's blessing as they continue to serve the church.

In his address to the church, Pastor Brown said, "true greatness is achieved when a servant/leader provides unselfish service to the people he leads." Brown added that "as new leaders of the Conference, you will be expected to create ambitions for the constituency....expected to influence and inspire those who need to achieve the mission of the church. That is your role. To cast vision, to influence, inspire, to motivate the constituency, to achieve not your mission, but the mission of the Seventh day Adventist Church."

President Brown highlighted the important role the new leaders would need to play in managing the resources that God had entrusted to his church.

"Your call my brothers and sisters...based on your position, based on your role in the conference, you are called to provide supervision, called to manage God's resources, the resources that God has entrusted to you, a resource that you must utilize wisely to bring honour and glory, not to yourselves, but to the honour and glory to the name of Almighty God" he pointed out.

The Jamaica Union Conference president ended his message by reminding the leaders that God had called them to give true spiritual service.

"God has called you, elected you, to provide unselfish spiritual service to his people," he said.

The main address was followed by the new administrators, Dr. Eric Nathan, President and Dr. Meric Walker, Secretary, signing a leadership pledge in the presence of the congregation.

On hand to congratulate the new team at the Installation Service were; Pastor Levi Johnson, President - Central Jamaica Conference, Pastor Arlington Woodbourne, President -North East Jamaica Conference, Pastor Karl Archer, President - North Jamaica Conference and Dr. Trevor Gardener, President - Northern Caribbean University.

A new leadership team was elected to serve the East Jamaica Conference by the delegates at the fourth Quadrennial Session on Wednesday July 16, 2014 and include the following.

President, Dr. Eric Nathan,
Secretary, Dr. Meric Dale Walker,
Ministerial Secretary, Pastor Linton Williams,
Youth Ministries, Pastor Dane Fletcher,
Children's & Women's Ministries and Family Ministries, Elder Claudette Genas, Health, Stewardship and Trust Services, Elder Waldon Wright,
Communication, Public Affairs and Religious Liberty, Elder Phillip Castell Sabbath School and Personal Ministries, Pastor Carl Cunningham.

Elder Noel Morgan who was elected Treasurer by the delegates at the Session, was not installed in the position since he decided not to change jobs after examination of some essential facts and consultation with members of his family and counsel with his church at all levels.

The posts of Treasurer, Education, Publishing and Community Services will be decided by the Executive Committee of the Conference at a later date.



Over 100 Child Preachers Certified

Story and Photos by Fabia Phillips-Lawrence(EJC)
Published | March 12, 2014


O100CPC-P1Several churches across the East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists can now officially boast Child Preachers following a stamp of approval granted through the Children's Ministries Department of the Conference on Sabbath March 8, 2014.

Approximately 125 Child Preachers graduated at the Arnold Road SDA church during an afternoon exercise which saw several Parents and well-wishers attending.

After a brief introduction of the programme, the prayer and the welcome, children were given the opportunity to do choral speeches which were warmly received. This led the way for four children: Kimone Young, Rochelle Thomas, Danielle Brown and Shereece Hall, to relate their experiences during Child Preaching exercises both in Jamaica and Costa Rica. Among their talking points: their morning watch experience, strange meals, the language barrier, but all concluded it was time well spent.

Pastor Errol Griffiths and Elder Vaughn Thomas next spoke followed by the Treasurer of EJC, Elder Waldon Wright, who expressed his delight to be associated with the Child Preacher's programme. "When young people give their hearts to God, it's one of the best decisions they could make," he said. He continued by encouraging the young Preachers and told them if they followed God and gave him their best, they would become successful.

The Children's Ministries Director for EJC, Elder Claudette Genas, who was next up to speak shared her excitement about the upcoming Children's Mission which is to beO100CPC-P2 held in Belize. "Send the children on the Mission to Belize, it's cheaper than visiting them in prison," she cited. She also spoke of individuals who have been assisting with planning the trip and segued to an experience about a child who went on the previous Child Mission trip to Costa Rica.

According to her, the child packed his bags in faith despite not seeing where the funds would come from for his travels. He confidently declared that he would only unpack when the last airline left Jamaica for Costa Rica. The strength of his faith at such a tender age paid off as someone contacted Elder Genas enquiring as to whether there was a child who needed sponsorship for that trip. That child also featured in an overseas Adventist Lay Persons and Industries, ASI, newsletter.

O100CPC-P3It was then time for the charge with Pastor Anthony Taylor. Pastor Taylor began his message with the story of Jeremiah while giving his own experience as a child Preacher. "You will feel sometimes children that you will be in some congregations and you may feel intimidated, but God says 'I will take care of you'," he said. "What you need to do boys and girls is to ensure you are flexible in God's hands and he will work through you as long as you are available to him," he added.

His brief charge was followed by the presentation of certificates and gifts to the graduates.


Drama of The Ages Count Down Campaign Begins

Story by Fabia Phillips-Lawrence, Photos by Phillips Castell(EJC)
Published | April 8, 2014

DOTACDCB-PIC1It was an impactful start to the final MM14 Evangelistic campaign "The drama of the Ages Count Down" series which debut the evening of Sunday April 6, 2014 on the grounds of the Pembroke Hall Community centre in St. Andrew.

It didn't start under the green and white tent, but with a road march involving uniformed groups and church members falling within Cluster F. The march culminated at the crusade site beside the community centre on Ken Hill Drive.

Pastor Meric Walker from the Washington Gardens Circuit of churches who chaired the evening's programme, introduced the Pastors falling within the cluster such as Pastors Manley Phillips, Holland Thompson, Kevin White along with himself. He also introduced the community representative, the President of the Citizen's Association of Pembroke Hall, Andrew Harris.

In welcoming the Adventist church to his community, Mr. Harris said he didn't have to think twice about the request to have the campaign on the grounds of the community centre. "I understand the importance of the mission and what the church wants to do for the youths. It's exactly what we want for this community" he pointed out.

There was also a promotion for a homework centre to begin for children. The centre will be activated prior to the start of the nightly meetings.

The evening's programme continued to allow for special music from April Simmonds and the mass choir which sang "He's coming hallelujah."

After the praise team delivered the Michael Smith version of "Hallelujah", the featured speaker, Pastor Kevin White, rose to the pulpit and briefly outlined some of his topics to come in the series such as "Armed and extremely dangerous", "When did it all start" and "What's next on God's agenda."

DOTACDCB-PIC2Among the many questions Pastor White asked while delivering his first sermon at that site was "where is God in a time of trouble?" To that question he replied that at times persons may pray and it may appear that their prayers are not being answered. "This nation needs to recognize that it's the prayers of the saints that are keeping us...wickedness will not rule...wait on the Lord" he said.

"The Drama of the ages count down" series is to run for four weeks: Sunday's through to Wednesdays at 7pm and on Sabbaths 9 a.m and 6 p.m. Special features include Health and Family life lectures, blessing of babies, free health clinics among others.




Story by Fabia Phillips-Lawrence –EJC , Photos by Phillip E.L. Castell – EJC
Published | March 26, 2014

DRTAETSDAC-PIC1Metro Mission 14, (MM14), continues to gather momentum as yet another cluster has actualized the goal of impacting a community with a project outside of traditional evangelism.


The Washington Gardens Seventh-day Adventist church in St. Andrew which forms part of Cluster F, launched the opening of the HOPE Centre, an Educational facility which is located at 47 Headley Avenue, close by the church. HOPE stands for: Healing Opportunities Partnering through Education. Education and training is one of the key areas of MM14.


The centre came about as part of a vision of the church to impact the lives of persons living within the boundaries of the Drewsland community. The centre offers health education along with provision for health clinics, family education, counselling programmes, training along with GSAT and CXC classes. The facility is equipped with five classrooms, 24 computers etc.


Several were in attendance for the open air launch which saw the Minister of Education, Ronald Thwaites, several representatives of the Washington Gardens Church, other SDA churches in the cluster and community members attending.


DRTAETSDAC-PIC2Minister Thwaites commended the church for executing the initiative. He then made an appeal to young persons.


"You need to take your educational opportunities very very seriously. Half of our young people are leaving school without proper certification. That won't help you in the future. You are going to box around and probably become dependent on someone else," he lamented. The Education Minister continued, "what we know beyond all doubt is that the problem of crime and violence is carried out by young people...they are both perpetrators and victims who dropped out of school and had no institution like project HOPE to give them a second chance."


The Washington Gardens church Pastor, Dr. Meric Walker, in giving an overview of the centre, paid homage to pioneers whom he indicated made an invaluable contribution towards the establishment of the facility. According to him, "what we have done is to demonstrate that which is in line with what the Master wants us to do." "I'm a very happy Pastor for what we are realizing," he added.


Education Director for the East Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventist, Dr. Donna Brown, then urged community members to make use of the opportunity to further their education.


"Just don't stay home and feel good that you have a centre, get up and become a part of the centre. Sit around a computer and learn how to use it. Call a friend and say 'i'm gonna send you an email' because praise the Lord there is hope" Dr. Brown related.


Karen Cross who represented the Drewland community at the function, implored the residents to take care of the centre and support the programmes being offered. She also singled out the church as the most influential religious institution in the community.

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